The Most Significant App Updates So Far

Some organizations’ modifications have resulted in a complete shift of direction for their company; however, it remains to be seen how successfully this transition is being made. Have the changes they made been successful?

WhatsApp May Now Be Used to Make Phone Calls

First, consider WhatsApp, which is currently one of the most extensively used apps in the world. They previously could only speak via instant messaging, but now they have taken things to a whole new level by establishing a free calling service for their firm.

This is a clear response to other apps, such as Tango and Skype, which have mostly controlled this business and were beginning to make inroads in terms of subscriber numbers. This change was made in reaction to competing apps. The fact that Facebook, which owns WhatsApp and paid $19 billion for the service in 2014, was clearly dissatisfied with this resulted in the decision to change WhatsApp’s strategy and make calls free of charge. It has to be seen how well it works out for them and whether or not they profit from it.

Twitter and the Periscope App

We are aware that Twitter has over a hundred million users who log in to their accounts on a daily basis, and that the company appears to develop agreements with or acquire new businesses practically daily. Periscope was one of these firms, which Twitter purchased in February, before the company had even begun operations. This signified a shift in Twitter’s strategy, as Periscope is a live streaming app, and it raises the prospect of some really interesting collaborations between the two over the coming year. This shift in strategy resulted from Twitter’s acquisition of Periscope.

Quizup Incorporates the Social Component

This was founded in 2013, but it wasn’t until early 2015 that they recognized they were passing up a huge chance. Quizup has been in operation since 2013. As a result, they decided to rebuild their app in order to include a larger level of social involvement centered on the games. You can now locate potential opponents based on a variety of characteristics, and given that it has over 20 million users, it’s difficult to understand why it took them so long to make it more social. You can now identify possible opponents based on a variety of attributes.

Flickr is Seeing a Substantial Increase in the Number of New Features

Because Flickr is approaching 100 million members, it felt like a good time to release some big upgrades to their app, which they did in May of this year. These changes were made to enhance the user experience. The addition of support for Instagram users is certainly the most important change, and it makes perfect sense given Instagram’s current monthly user base of 300 million. This figure is up from 200 million during the same time previous year. Even if they have created extra filters and editing tools, it is clear that they are attempting to break into this market by providing support for their product.

Full Tilt is No Longer Solely Focused on Poker

The announcement by Full Tilt that their mobile app would be updated to offer mobile casino games in addition to their primary focus on poker was a big breakthrough in the mobile gaming industry. Blackjack and roulette are two examples of new mobile casino games. Because the market for mobile casinos was valued at $21 billion in 2014 and is expected to exceed that figure this year, it is easy to understand why they would make this change to their company’s operations. Indeed, Apple has reported a 55% increase in the amount of money spent on casino apps, while Google Play has witnessed a 105% increase in the same category.

Full Tilt may have recognized the need of investing in this segment of the industry, and one might argue that this is a wise financial decision on their part given that they can promote it to their existing poker players, who are already impressed with the professionalism of their existing app. If there is one thing we can take away from TNG, it is that card games will be around for a very long time, implying that Full Tilt’s decision to evolve was quite wise.

Google Now Can Now Integrate With More Third-party Applications

Google Now, an app that acts as your personal assistant, experienced considerable growth during the month of April in 2015. Set aside the fact that it operates on the Jelly Bean 4.1 operating system, which is utilized by more than half of all Android users, and concentrate on the simple fact that they have lately started integrating software and services from a range of third-party businesses onto their platform. As a result, you can now link it not only to YouTube, which is not surprising considering that Google owns YouTube, but also to Spotify, which is a rather interesting linkup in and of itself.

It is clear that Google is expanding its business and associating with companies that it believes will benefit from being affiliated with the industry’s dominating search engine.

Facebook Has Included Video Calling as Well as the Option to Make Payments

Facebook is in the enviable position of owning the two most popular instant messaging apps on the market right now. This is due to an increase in the use of instant messaging for both personal and professional purposes. The launch of a video chatting option in 2015 signified a big shift in the way they intend to target their consumer base (at least with their own branded app).

They’ve also included a feature in their software that allows users to send money to one another. This is something they’ve never done before, and it’s unlike anything they’ve ever done. Because this feature is still in its early phases, it is too early to predict how popular it will be.

When you consider that they have over 200 million regular customers who contribute to their 700 million total users, as well as the fact that the market for mobile video calling has tripled in size in the previous couple of years, it does appear to be a wise business decision. However, when you consider that they have over 700 million total users, it is vital to remember that they have over 700 million total users.

Businesses have clearly caught on to the concept of maximizing revenues from the app market, and many of these businesses are keen to make changes to their operations in order to capture an even larger share of the market.