A cluttered mind is stressful for the same reason that a cluttered home is stressful. How much mental space do you have right now? Do you feel like your mind is racing all the time and you have to be “on” all the time, or do you have time to just be?
Regardless of how overburdened or congested your mind appears right now, you can give yourself the gift of mental space by taking a few simple steps. Do you want to learn something new? Here are some ideas to help you create more mental space, which will ultimately improve your health.
Where can you find mental space?
It’s easier to define mental space in terms of what it isn’t, such as your to-do list, pressures, worries, or fears. As a result of these factors, your thoughts will become disorganized and difficult to focus on.
On the other hand, when none of those other things are present, mental space is created. Having mental space goes hand in hand with having a sense of serenity and the ability to concentrate on and carry out whatever you choose.
It is the lack of feeling overwhelmed. Your thoughts will no longer be consumed by an ever-expanding list of tasks that must be completed. Doesn’t it sound delicious?
Why is mental space so important to your overall well-being?
It should not surprise you that maintaining your mental health is just as important as maintaining your physical health. It is sometimes easier to focus on the physical aspects of our health and neglect the mental aspects of our well-being. Your mental health, on the other hand, should not be overlooked.
When it comes to living your best life, having plenty of mental space is a critical aspect of your overall well-being. Here are a few of the reasons why having some mental space is essential for your overall health:
It makes you feel less stressed
Stress can have an impact on both your mind and the rest of your body. It is your body’s response to various stresses and demands. When you are faced with an excessive number of tasks and expectations, or when there is an excessive amount of mental activity going on, your stress levels may skyrocket.
You can help reduce your stress by clearing out some mental clutter and giving yourself some breathing room and space to think about things.
As a result, your ability to concentrate will improve
If you don’t have much space in your mind, you can describe your thoughts as murky or foggy. For some reason, it appears that you are unable to focus on the tasks that you wish to complete.
When you do have free mental space, however, you can devote your full attention to the tasks at hand.
Making more mental space can assist you in becoming more productive
What happens when you put your mind to something? You succeeded in finishing your work and meeting your goals! When you free up mental space, you will notice an increase in both your productivity and your ability to get things done.
This gives you more space and time to do the things you enjoy
Last but not least, you can get things done because of all of that focus as well as the increased productivity that comes with having mental space. As a result, you have plenty of free time to pursue other interests if you so desire.
It appears that now is a good time to take a break, get some fresh air, go for a walk, or simply sit quietly with your thoughts.
When you have mental space, you have the freedom to do whatever you want because your mind is not cluttered with an endless list of things that need to be done. You get to choose whatever it is.
Expanding one’s brain capacity takes time and effort. Some of these pointers will yield immediate results, while others will require more time, effort, and possibly even practice.
Whatever happens, if you stick with it, you will have established a calmer mind and opened up the mental space you need to live a life that is less stressful, more productive, and more focused on the things that are most important to you.
How to Make More Space in Your Mind
1. Begin meditating on a regular basis
Do you want to improve your physical and mental health by making some mental space? There is no better way to achieve this goal than to begin a regular meditation practice. When you meditate, you train your mind to become more focused and to stay in the present moment.
The benefits are not limited to how much time you spend meditating each session. You’ll be able to clear your thoughts over time, and the mental space you’ll create will help you feel more at ease while also opening up a plethora of opportunities.
2. Develop a reliable breathing routine to fall back on
You may believe that there is nothing you can do to distract yourself from a particularly stressful situation. The majority of people lack the ability to meditate on the fly and create mental space at the drop of a hat.
Fortunately, there are additional strategies that you can implement right now to help you clear your mind and make room for new ideas.
A simple breathing technique known as timed breathing is one method that can be used to accomplish this. You inhale for two to four seconds, then hold your breath for four to six seconds, paying attention to your breathing rather than allowing your thoughts to wander.
This is a fantastic way to bring yourself back into the present moment while also relaxing your mind and body.
3. Make sure your calendar has some open time and blank spaces
Is your calendar jam-packed with work-related calls, meetings, activities, commitments, and events? Even if you enjoy everything you do—which, let’s face it, is highly unlikely—life may still be too much for you to handle.
When your schedule is so full that you don’t have time for yourself, it’s a sign that you don’t have any mental space. One solution is to free up some time on your calendar.
Make it a point to set aside some time for yourself every day, whether it’s a short period of time like fifteen minutes or a longer period of time like two or three hours.
4. Set aside time in the morning and/or evening to avoid using technology
It doesn’t matter what time of day you choose, but you should declare some of your day “tech-free.” Staying off social media, avoiding reading the news, and not checking your email first thing in the morning are all good habits to develop.
Spend your time taking care of yourself rather than worrying about what other people expect from you or what they think of you.
It doesn’t even have to be for an extended period of time! Simply set aside some time every morning to enjoy your coffee, prepare a nutritious breakfast, go for a run, or write in your diary. It is entirely up to you how and when you spend your time away from technology.
Just remember to set aside some time for yourself to unwind and give your mind the breathing space it requires and deserves.
5. Play
Do you remember how good it felt in elementary school when the bell rang to signal the end of recess? Going back to class after letting off some steam on the playground or in the weight room was the ideal way for me to reset. Regrettably, the vast majority of adults believe they do not have time to play or take a break for themselves.
However, engaging in activities purely for enjoyment is one of the best things we can do for our health and well-being. Playing a game is an excellent way to unwind and clear your mind of any anxious or distracting thoughts.
It is a good way to revitalize, reset, and clear some space in your mind so that when your break from work or school is over, you will be ready to return to your work or school.
6. Clear out the clutter in your home
You have undoubtedly removed some of the clutter from the area you occupy. Clutter removal can significantly aid in the creation of a serene and welcoming home. These benefits, however, do not stop there.
Decluttering your physical environment can also have a positive impact on your mental state. It has the potential to help reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and restore your sense of control in a world that can sometimes feel out of control.
When it comes to clearing out the clutter in your physical space, start small and work your way up. When you realize the benefits of decluttering your home (and your mind), you won’t be able to stop until every inch of your home (and your mind) is free of unnecessary items.
7. Make sure you have someone to talk to about your concerns
There are so many thoughts running through our heads all the time that they become cluttered and take up all of the available space in our minds. Having a trusted friend or family member to whom you can vent your emotions can be extremely beneficial.
If you have someone to bounce ideas and frustrations off of, you’ll be able to clear some space in your head and get some of your ideas and frustrations off your chest. If you work or live alone, this may be especially useful to you.
8. Put an end to the flood of information
It’s difficult to believe that we have to deal with all of this new information every day. Our access to information has significantly improved over the last ten years or so. This has several advantages, but one of them is not usually improved health. If you are constantly bombarded with new information, your mind may become overburdened.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by an abundance of information, you should reduce the amount of information you are consuming. You should limit your time spent doing things like reading the news online, watching Netflix, and so on.
Determine what you want to include and leave out everything else. After some time has passed, mental space will be all that remains, replacing all of that information overload.
9. Maintain a journal to give yourself more leeway
We’ve talked about the benefits of keeping a journal many times before. Because keeping a notebook is so effective, here’s why. Journaling has numerous advantages, one of which is the ability to declutter your thoughts and make more space in your mind.
One of the most effective ways to clear your mind and make more room in your mind is to write down your thoughts, whether in a traditional notebook, on a computer, or with an app on your phone.
Writing can improve your health and well-being in a variety of ways, including stress reduction, anxiety management, and a greater ability to deal with upsetting emotions.
10. Quit multitasking
Have you been keeping up with the most recent information on multitasking? As it turns out, it doesn’t work at all! Although we may believe that we can do two things at once, this is simply not true. What is the purpose of multitasking? It slows you down and makes it more difficult to complete tasks because it divides your attention.
When you try to multitask, your thoughts can become jumbled. It consumes the mental space you have available by bombarding you with new activities and items to consider.
Rather than attempting to multitask, try concentrating on only one task at a time and giving yourself a complete break from that work before moving on to the next. After you’ve cleared it, your mind will be grateful for the extra space it now has.