As I get ready for bed, my mind is frequently racing with things to remember, such as “Did I remember to turn off the stove?” as well as “Did I send that important work email?” “Have I paid the electric vehicle bill?” This pattern of racing thoughts is known as busy brain syndrome, and it can cause a great deal of worry and anxiety, as well as sleepless nights.
A busy mind can be harmful to both your physical and financial health. Read on to learn more about the symptoms as well as our suggestions for how to calm a racing mind.
How to Tell if You Have a Busy Mind
What symptoms indicate busy brain syndrome? If you toss and turn in bed at night because you can’t stop thinking about everything that needs to be done, you may have busy brain syndrome.
The presence of rushing thoughts is not the only sign of a busy mind
If you notice yourself becoming clumsy and distracted as a result, your brain may be overloaded.
At times, I feel as if a cloud has descended on my head
Because I have so much going on, I am unable to focus on any one issue, which causes errors in my writing as well as other aspects of my life, including my personal life. I was on the verge of sweetening my coffee with cat chow at one point.
Shifting into autopilot mode is another sign
Have you ever gotten into your car to run an errand only to discover that you ended up taking the road that leads to your workplace instead of the one you were supposed to take? You are unable to remember what you are supposed to be doing right now because your mind is preoccupied with other issues.
And, of course, if you find yourself overthinking everything and going over every single item and detail, this is a clear indication that your mind is active. It can be extremely overwhelming to keep replaying scenarios in your head, planning, and thinking about things that could or might have happened.
It has the potential to cause a lot of stress and anxiety. As a result, you may experience difficulty sleeping for several nights.
How stress can affect your finances
An active mind not only impairs your ability to sleep but also raises your stress level. It could also be detrimental to your financial situation.
When you have a lot on your mind, it’s easy to become distracted by other things, such as paying your bills. Alternatively, you may be too overwhelmed to decide where to invest your money. Instead, neither you nor your financial situation is getting better.
Worrying about money can have a significant negative impact on both your physical and mental health. To stay on top of one’s financial obligations, it is critical to create and follow a spending plan. Consider automating your finances so that you aren’t constantly preoccupied with money and expenses.
Five simple steps to take when attempting to calm a racing mind
If you suffer from busy brain syndrome, there are a few things you can do to restore some peace and calm to your life. Here are some tried-and-true ways to calm an overactive mind!
1. Take several deep breaths
Take a few slow, deep breaths whenever you feel overwhelmed or have a lot of thoughts racing through your mind. Long, deep breaths force your heart to beat in time with your breathing, which improves your overall health. Endorphins, which are naturally occurring chemicals in our brains that have the effect of calming us down, are released as a result.
Extensive research has shown that taking slow, deep breaths can benefit the entire body. Taking long, slow breaths activates brain networks associated with emotion, attention, and bodily awareness, as well as the relaxation section of your nervous system. This allows you to take a step back and regain control of your stressed feelings.
2. Make conscious efforts regularly
Mindfulness training is yet another effective strategy for calming a cluttered, overactive mind. Meditation is one form of “mindfulness” practice. It is about being acutely aware of yourself and your surroundings, such as your breathing, the wind outside, a neighbor’s dog, or a leaf falling from the tree.
In most cases, it includes guided meditation as well as deep breathing exercises. A body scan is a simple way to practice mindfulness. You can do this while also working or walking your dog. Learn to listen to your body.
Begin with your toes, then your feet, and finally the crown of your head. When I’m having a particularly stressful day at work, I find that doing this body scan helps to calm my racing thoughts. I feel more at ease and in control of my emotions after doing it. It takes only a few minutes.
3. Listen to some relaxing music or ASMR
If my mind is racing and keeping me awake, I find that watching ASMR videos on YouTube helps me sleep faster. “ASMR” is an abbreviation for “autonomous sensory meridian response.” It’s a sensation that some people experience when they listen to certain types of music.
ASMR, like meditation, has a calming effect on me. My brain can forget everything that needs to be done, and as a result, I can fall into a deep slumber.
Music has the same effect on one’s mental state. According to the findings of a few studies, listening to music with a tempo of sixty beats per minute is one way to relieve stress. When I’m working, I find that listening to classical music helps me concentrate better.
4. Take a walk outside
At times, going for a walk can be the most effective way to quiet an active mind. Walking, a type of light exercise produces endorphins, which are known to improve mental health. Furthermore, maintaining a healthy level of physical activity is beneficial to your overall health and should be a priority for you.
If you notice that your mind wanders more than usual at certain times of the day, try to schedule a walk at those times. It could be as close as around the corner, and it does not have to be for an extended period. For those who require it, being outside may provide a welcome distraction.
Spend some time outside, preferably in a natural setting such as a park, if you have the opportunity. It can help to calm an overactive mind and bring your thoughts back to the present moment.
5. Create a to-do list
It is impossible to overestimate the therapeutic value of writing things down. Writing down all of the tasks you need to complete and the dates you need to complete them can help clear your mind. As a result, if you need to remember what errands you need to run the following Friday, it is already on your to-do list.
According to studies, people who write down what they accomplished during the day get a better night’s sleep than those who write down what they accomplished the day before.
Learn to calm your overactive mind and improve your life and finances
Learning how to quiet an active mind will not only help you get a better night’s sleep, but it will also benefit your finances and overall well-being. As a result, the next time your thoughts race, try one of our suggestions, such as going for a walk, taking some deep breaths, or listening to music. This will assist in calming your active brain.