Although you have no control over your genes or even much of the environment around you, you do have some say in the choices you make regarding your lifestyle, and these decisions can have a positive impact on your health. If you are informed and make conscious decisions about your diet, activity level, sleep habits, and smoking, you can lessen the risks to your health and potentially add years to your life.
This article takes a look at six aspects of lifestyle that have been shown to have a positive impact on one’s health in the long run and is supported by the best available evidence. It explains why they are important as well as how to start making changes for the better.
Finding Your Sweet Spot When It Comes to Sleeping
The first item on the agenda is to ensure that you are getting the recommended amount of sleep on a consistent basisconsistently. The connection between getting enough sleep and having a longer life expectancy is backed up by research, even though most people ignore it in favor of diet and exercise.
The fact that the relationship is shaped like a U also manages to catch some people off guard. This indicates that both getting too little or too much sleep can have a negative impact on your lifespan.
25 percent of people slept fewer hours per night than is recommended for their ages, according to the findings of a study that surveyed 1.1 million people in Europe and the United States in the year 2021. More than half of all adolescents do not get the recommended amount of sleep each night. Adults fare better, but they suffer from poor sleep quality and increased instances of insomnia.
It is essential to get a sufficient amount of sleep to refresh one’s mind as well as body. This assists the body in eliminating waste and repairing damaged cells. It also plays an important role in the process of forming memories, and a lack of sleep can lead to forgetfulness.
Health problems can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep even if that is your intention. For example, sleep apnea can significantly increase the likelihood of adverse health effects.
It is estimated that many cases of sleep apnea are being overlooked, even though the condition affects millions of people. The fact that symptoms such as waking up gasping for air or snoring do not occur in every case is one of the reasons why this is the case. The signs and symptoms of sleep apnea can be quite diverse and unexpected, including clenching and grinding of the teeth and feelings of depression.
If you have any concerns, you should discuss getting a sleep study with your primary care physician. There are treatments available, such as CPAP, that can reduce the risk of complications and improve quality of life. Alterations in your sleeping habits may be an indicator of other health problems as well; therefore, you should schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider for a checkup if anything changes.
Consuming Meals That Are BalancedConsuming Balanced Meals
Your risk of developing diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease is reduced, and you will experience increased energy as a result. Some of these conditions have been shown to have connections to the foods that people eat and their nutrition, such as the connection between eating red meat and developing colorectal cancer.
It is more beneficial to make changes to one’s diet that are intended to be permanent rather than to try the latest trendy diet. You may have come across the following phrase, which is the author Michael Pollan’s trademark: “Consume food. Not an excessive amount of plant life.” To ensure that you get all of the nutrients you require, select plants with a wide range of colors from among these options.
The well-known and highly regarded Mediterranean diet is a good place to get started. It contains a significant quantity of the healthiest foods and consequently restricts the availability of foods that are less healthyless healthy foods. The Mediterranean diet has been shown to reduce the risk of a wide variety of diseases, and this risk decreases with increased adherence to the diet.
A study that was conducted in 2018 looked at the relationship between over 12 million people and the risk of over a dozen different chronic diseases. The findings of the study showed that people who followed a diet similar to that of the Mediterranean had a lower incidence of coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer, and other diseases.
The Mediterranean diet is known for its abundance of herbs and spices, as well as its consumption of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and “good” oils. It does not contain any foods that have been subjected to a high level of processing, refined grains, or added sugar.
It’s Possible That Eating a Mediterranean Diet Will Help You Have Lower Cholesterol and Lipids
Daily physical activity for thirty minutes helps to protect the health of the heart. Additionally, it reduces the amount of bone loss that occurs with aging, along with the associated risk of developing osteoporosis. It is of such critical significance that a study conducted in 2021 on people who had survived colon cancer found that the likelihood of dying was decreased when they lived in a “green” community that encouraged physical activity. 5
No matter what their income level was, people who participated in moderate physical activity every day had a lower risk of heart disease and overall mortality, according to the findings of a review that was published in Lancet in 2017.
The best part is that engaging in physical activity can improve your health and even help you save money all at the same time. Even if your health prevents you from engaging in certain types of physical activity, you can still stay active by performing routine chores like mowing the grass, sweeping the sidewalk, or washing the windows.
After the age of 65, you may benefit from adding balance and flexibility exercises to your workout routine, but you should also keep moving. Choose an activity with a moderate level of intensity that you are confident you will enjoy doing, such as dancing, gardening, swimming, or biking.
Maintaining a Weight That Is Healthya Healthy Weight For Your Body
There is a correlation between obesity and a decreased lifespan as well as an increased risk of a variety of diseases. The good news is that merely having a moderate amount of extra weight does not shorten your life expectancy. In point of fact, for people over the age of 65, it is preferable to fall on the higher end of the normal range rather than the lower.
A study that was conducted in 2018 looked at the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and mortality over 24 years.
7 Between 19 and 24 is considered to be the normal range for BMI. A body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 35 was associated with a 27% increase in the risk of death for obese individuals. A body mass index (BMI) between 35 and 40 was associated with a 93% increase.
What is the ideal body weight? Mortality was only higher among those with a BMI between 25 and 30 who smoked in addition to having an overweight but not obese body mass index. People who had a body mass index that was on the higher end of the normal range (BMI 24, for example) had the lowest risk of death.
When it comes to maintaining a healthy body mass index, there is no real magic that can be done (BMI). Consuming nutritious food and engaging in regular physical activity areis, for the vast majority of people, the “secrets” to success.
Talk things over with your healthcare provider if you’re having trouble. However, keep in mind that fad diets don’t work, and the changes that you make that are more long-term are where your best hope for success lies.
Abstaining from smoking and using chewing tobacco
- It is estimated that smoking causes approximately 480,000 deaths annually in the United States alone.
- In addition to this, there are another 16 million people who are alive but coping with an illness that is related to smoking.
- Do not smoke cigarettes or chew tobacco if you want there to be a chance that you will live a healthy life for as long as you live.
There is a long list of diseases and cancers that are associated with smoking. It may be helpful to think of more short-term goals if you’re having a hard time quitting smoking and you believe that illness only occurs in later years of life. The cost may be prohibitive, or perhaps indoor smoking bans limit the places you can go to socialize.
Or perhaps the concerns that come with midlife will be helpful to you! Smoking speeds up the wrinkling of the skin. In men, there is a correlation between smoking and erectile dysfunction. This link has also been established. Not only will giving up smoking or never starting in the first place help save lives, but it will also improve air quality.
Avoiding or reducing one’s consumption of alcohol
Alcohol should only be consumed in moderation, and for many people, it should not be consumed at all. This is true despite the widespread belief that drinking red wine can increase your life expectancy. It has been discovered that drinking red wine may offer some health benefits, but there are other ways to achieve the same or similar results.
Flavonoids, in particular the nutrient resveratrol, can be found in high concentrations in red wine. However, resveratrol can also be found in peanuts, red grape juice, and red grapes themselves in addition to red grapes.
Consuming alcohol in moderation, which is defined as one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men, may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. However, there is evidence suggesting that even this amount of alcohol should be consumed with caution because of its link to breast cancer.
A woman’s risk of developing breast cancer increases by an additional 10% for each additional drink that she consumes daily after having a risk that was already increased by three drinks per week.
Consuming more alcohol can result in health issues as well as other issues, including an increased risk for the following:
- Stroke
- Unhealthy levels of blood pressure
- Cardiovascular disease
- Some cancers
- Accidents
- Violence
- Suicide
As long as you do not have any personal or family issues with alcohol abuse, drinking alcohol in moderation may be part of a healthy lifestyle that you choose to incorporate during special occasions. You are allowed to raise a glass to your good health on occasion so long as everyone involved is aware of the potential dangers.
Getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, being physically active, maintaining healthy body weight, not smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption are the six key lifestyle behaviors that contribute to a long and healthy life.
These considerations may appear to be part of the sound advice that you have been given on numerous occasions, but there is a rationale behind why this is the case. They are all supported by evidence, and ongoing investigations in the field of medicine continue to point in the same healthy direction.